Monday, February 16, 2009

Unwed Sailor

One of my favorite post-rock bands. They have been around for over ten years now and they are still releasing great music. Each album is a little different in the style that they go for. Some are more rock and others more ambient. They have not gotten the same amount of media attention that Explosions In The Sky has but I'm pretty sure that they are due. So be on the lookout for these songs in commercials and movies. 

And the founder Johnathon Ford was the bass player in Pedro The Lion for a while. In case that convinces someone to listen.

Little Wars (2008)

The White Ox (2006)

The Faithful Anchor (2001)


Vetiver is a San Francisco band recently signed to SubPop in Seattle. This is their debut with SubPop, but Im pretty sure their other independent releases are just as good. This album has a 70's acoustic vibe. I would say that this band could be touring with Dr. Dog and it would be a good match. 

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Mono is a Japanese post-rock band that has released its new album "Hymn to the immortal wind." I really enjoy this band's slow epic builds. They released a dvd not too long ago that is pretty tight. I recommend it as well. 

Edit: After fully listening to this album in the car it totally kicks their last album's ass. The builds are even more epic and they don't take as long to get to. Please check it out.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Dissolver- the new record from Iran. I think that it is their debut full length. Malone is the main guy behind this band. He is also the lead singer for TV On The Radio. I like this album alot, but I am in a TV On The Radio phase right now. I think it's worth a listen.


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