Thursday, January 21, 2010

Los Campesinos!

I just watched the new video from Los Campesinos! "Romance is Boring." I have to say that I am very disappointed in this band. They have some great songs and this is definately not one of them. On top of that the video doesn't make any sense. There is a housewife that lights birthday candles slower than her acid wash wearing husband can drink 2 beers, and they have a kid that puts on David Bowie makeup and a mexican wrestler mask. I have to say if they are trying to win fans by going weird like Lady Gaga has done then they need to have a better song to back up a poorly put together video.

Their video for their other new song "The Sea Is A Good Place To Think Of The Future" is much simpler and follows along with the music in a much more accompanying way. This video seems to express more of the band with young romances involved. Apart from the other that focuses on marital disputes. It even looks like it was shot with a Flip or some sort of pocket cam. I believe that a band doesn't have to go all out for a video. As long as they are getting the message across then they have done their job. Just compare the two and see what you feel does a better job expressing the music and what the band is about.

The Sea Is A Good Place To Think Of The Future from Los Campesinos! on Vimeo.

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